In reflecting on Good Friday, Passion/Holy Week, all that happened and all that followed, it is clear to me that something always occurs in my life during Holy Week to distract me from focusing on what this week means to me in terms of my personal faith and how it affects my life. Some things are small, others are not so small. And the attack can be relational, health related, financial, or a dozen other things. For me, it usually involves a loved one.

Let’s be clear. This is a spiritual attack. So, if you’re a spiritual wimp this post may not be for you. This is not a fluff piece about Easter bunnies and a recipe for lamb cake.

I’m not looking for commentary or negativity in your responses because that will just prove my point. If you believe in God, a Higher Power, spiritual goodness, then you must also believe that there is evil as the opposite of goodness. If you look around at what’s going on in our world today, you can clearly see that. Distractions.

And this year is no different. The Enemy knows where we are vulnerable and uses that knowledge for where to attack us.  A recent devotional I read showed me how I can use my distractions, frustrations, pain, etc., to try to identify even a little bit with what Jesus dealt with during that first Passion Week.

There are people, religious or not, who will tell you that if you experience any of the things I previously mentioned in your own life, that your journey of faith has no room for grief. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Jesus Himself understands our suffering because of His own. Long before Jesus walked out of an empty tomb, He wept in a garden.

He knew His suffering was temporary. He knew His purpose. He even cried out to his Heavenly Father to find another way if it was possible. Yet He was determined to fulfill His destiny and not let distractions, attacks, and pain keep Him from doing what He was called to do. His suffering showed His humanness. His resurrection showed His deity.

God gave me the strength this week to do what needed to be done in the midst of my own suffering. And having the down time gave me the chance to focus on what Passion Week is about. Know this – when you allow yourself to be distracted you will not be effective in fulfilling God’s purpose for your own life. He has given me a hope. He has given me a future. His promises are true – both on this Earth and for Eternity.

Some people are content with where they are spiritually – staying on the predictable treadmill of life, having no desire for growth. But those who desire more can be sure they will encounter distractions along the way. Stand strong. Go ahead and celebrate Easter with your lifelong traditions – there is nothing wrong with that, and it brings a whimsical component to celebrate Spring with the little ones in our lives.

But if a seed has been planted, nurture it inside yourself and search for more. Celebrate The One who suffered for YOU on that first Good Friday and was resurrected on the third day to give you a hope and a future that is unimaginable!  

About AZSunrize19

I am an Illinois native who relocated to the Southwest 10 years ago. I love the sunsets here and the silhouette of the mountains against the inky black, starry sky. I love seeing horses and real-life cowboys and the landscape that this “new” home offers. As for Illinois, I don’t miss shoveling snow, the summer humidity, or the property taxes. But what I do miss are the family and friends that are still there. To me, relationships are the most important thing and are something to be nurtured. I am the mom of one amazing grown son and an adorable grandson. I love all things related to houses from the design inception to the finished product of a comfortable home. I am a design graduate of The Art Institute, am certified in Home Staging, and am currently a licensed Realtor in Arizona.

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