We are nearing the end of 2020. So much has happened this year, not only to us collectively as a nation, but also to us individually. The bad news keeps coming, and you may feel that there is no end in sight. Discontent, COVID, family illness, political unrest, uncertainty about the future.
Our emotions have been tossed back-and-forth. It’s like driving around in an unfamiliar city, trying to find your way. Who do you ask for directions? Ask five people and you’ll get five different answers. So you choose a direction and continue driving, only to end up right back where you started. When is peace going to come?
For most of my life I’ve lived for what the future held, rather than living in each moment, each hour, each day, looking for the blessing in moments and in what I had in my life that was precious instead of looking toward the future for happiness. A new job, a potential relationship, having children and grandchildren, that much-needed vacation. Or putting off things that I really wanted to do because of the opinions of others, lack of funds, or some other reasons that were just excuses for fear of failure.
We only have today. This is me today. No makeup other than tinted moisturizer and a little lipstick, no hair done, pensive, reflective. And the way I look doesn’t matter. There is no one to impress. In this moment sitting in my home office, I have a cute tabletop tree behind me with flocked snow and lights, and a picture of my grandson just out of frame that remind me that it’s all about relationships. I know we can’t hug each other right now or hang out casually with friends as we have in the past. Things we might have taken for granted before are the things to which we cling in the present.

That small Christmas tree in its simple beauty is a reminder to me of what this season is all about. Peace, joy, giving, and showing love to others, but for me it’s about the love God gave to us in the form of a child born whose purpose was to show His love for all people.

As you process your thoughts, you may feel the need to write them down. My free gift to you is printable journal pages on which you can write your thoughts. Words are powerful. They can hurt or they can heal.
Feel free to browse through the images, quotes, and stories on my Sunrize Connection site. Perhaps something will speak a word that you need to hear today. All of the pages have a link to the printable pages; when you fill out the form you will be redirected to the pages to print.
If you are at a point where you feel like giving up, let Jesus take the wheel. Let this Winter of discontent turn into a promise of peace.