Are you a woman over-40 who is starting to feel “old” when you see makeup ads on social media, in magazines, etc. (does anyone read those anymore?…)
Do you see styles coming back that you wore in high school and beyond, and you think, “I loved that style back then, but I don’t know if it would look so good on me now?” And what’s that saying about “if you wore it when it was popular the first time around, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it now?”
I will be launching DISCOVER YOUR STYLE, an online teaching platform geared to the Over-40 crowd, offering classes to discover what is unique about YOU, what works for YOU with your makeup, YOUR wardrobe, and the decorating style that makes YOU comfortable in YOUR home.
Ninety-percent of what you see advertised, as far as makeup goes, caters to the 15-30-something-year-old. There is not much that caters to middle-aged women and older. Why do you think that is? We are still relevant and are still discovering new things about ourselves,
Makeup styles come and go, and most video tutorials that I see are more about how to do makeup for the current trend and are less about enhancing someone’s natural features or personalizing it to them. It’s sort of a “one size fits all” mentality.
I want to teach women how to apply makeup based on their specific and unique features to enhance what they have and minimize what they don’t like. You can still incorporate some of the current trends in colors, if desired, but learning makeup application designed specifically for you will carry you beyond any trends.
And let me say that the principles I teach are universal to any age group, and all are welcome.
Stay informed about the 1st installment on makeup over-40, which will be ready for launch in early Autumn. As a Pre-Launch, I’m offering a FREE mini-course on Eyebrow Shaping and also Pre-Launch Discount pricing for the makeup course.
Click on the link below to go to my Digital Courses page and use the form on the right side to sign up to stay informed. You’ll also get a printable color wheel that you can use for all of my courses.