Why do we believe what we do? Is our belief system based on how we were raised, on what our parents or places of education told us, what we read on social media or hear on the news, on our own life experiences, or a combination of these?

As we approach the New Year, we tend to reflect on the previous year and how its circumstances have affected our lives. I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions, but this can be a good time after winding down from the excitement of the holidays to assess what has worked for us, what needs to be cast aside, and what has been our lifeline through difficult times.

We were created as relational beings, so even if you’re more on the introverted spectrum, it’s important to have people around who you trust, who encourage you and build you up, who share the joys, as well as the sorrows, in your life.

Social media would have us believe that quantity beats quality. The more followers you have, the more popular and validated you feel. Social media can be a valuable tool, but it can also be a vast wasteland of people you don’t even know judging you, bullying you, spouting hatred, etc. For those with a fragile self-esteem or mental health issues this can have devastating effects.

If more people saw themselves as God sees them – special creatures with unique talents and gifts given to them by the Heavenly Father who knew them before they entered this world, perhaps the opinions of strangers would not matter so much.

Many people lack direction in this life and look to others to validate them. I, myself, like so many others, have spent too much time looking outside of my lifelong relationship with God for a validation of my worth. Many look to outside things such as money, fame, power, substances, and love relationships. These things, in and of themselves in the proper context, are not wrong. But when the pursuit of them starts to consume your thoughts, time, etc., to the point of neglecting your health, family, and friendships, stop and consider that the pursuit will never stop. It will never be enough.

So, what do we believe about this life? Are we not supposed to enjoy some of those things previously mentioned? In order to gain wisdom and guidance, we will have to refer to the first paragraph I wrote that talks about our belief system. If we don’t have anything to guide us we are just floundering aimlessly trying to figure things out.

You have heard people say, “Just be a good person,” “Be true to yourself,” “Listen to your heart,” or “Seek happiness; that is what matters.” Some of these statements originate from our emotions. Our feelings can be deceptive. Sometimes decisions we need to make in our lives don’t make sense with regard to our emotions and our wants, rather than our needs. Those things don’t always align. There are times when a “practical” decision can protect our emotions from a situation or person that will further damage us emotionally.

For me, I try to look at things from a Biblical perspective. In the book of John in the New Testament, Chapter 10, Jesus said that He came so that those who follow Him may “have life and enjoy it to the fullest.” Does this mean that we’ll never have problems? All you have to do is read many of the stories in the Bible to see that this is not true. However, we can make a decision to enjoy the blessings we have in life regardless of our circumstances. It’s an attitude of the heart – almost childlike in its simplicity – to experience joy and to leave the rest in God’s hands.

Decide in the New Year who and in what you will believe. If you’re still on the journey of discovering what that is, that’s okay. We are all at different points on our paths. God bless and keep you in His care as you enter 2023.

About AZSunrize19

I am an Illinois native who relocated to the Southwest 10 years ago. I love the sunsets here and the silhouette of the mountains against the inky black, starry sky. I love seeing horses and real-life cowboys and the landscape that this “new” home offers. As for Illinois, I don’t miss shoveling snow, the summer humidity, or the property taxes. But what I do miss are the family and friends that are still there. To me, relationships are the most important thing and are something to be nurtured. I am the mom of one amazing grown son and an adorable grandson. I love all things related to houses from the design inception to the finished product of a comfortable home. I am a design graduate of The Art Institute, am certified in Home Staging, and am currently a licensed Realtor in Arizona.

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